“Good osteopathy is not only receiving treatment. An osteopath will also give you good advice on avoiding the condition for which you are being treated and can often detect the signs of impending trouble. Good coaches and athletes should have the arrows of osteopathy in their quiver of medical backup - it can lessen the need for far more drastic treatment later.”
Lord Sebastian Coe, CH KBE - Double Olympic Gold Medallist - The Mechanics of Sports Injuries.
What is Osteopathy?
Gentle effective and drug free, Osteopathy treats the whole individual, evaluating all the causes of pain and dysfunction rather than treating only the symptom in isolation. It is this approach to therapy that results in long-term improvement of many conditions.
Osteopathy is patient centered which means treatment is geared to you as an individual. Osteopaths recognise the body has to be in correct balance on a physical, emotional and spiritual level for full health to be expressed.
What happens during a first consultation/treatment session?
At the first consultation we will discuss your presenting problem and take a detailed medical history. A physical examination is carried out to determine the cause of the pain or stiffness, weakness or numbness you are experiencing.
During the examination and treatment you may be asked to remove some of your outer clothing and perform movements in sitting and standing positions, so that I can assess your condition and its presenting symptoms. Please wear underwear, shorts or sports bra that you feel comfortable in.
Treatment consists of a range of hands on techniques such as soft tissue massage, joint articulation and sometimes manipulation of spinal joints. Cranial treatment is a gentle but powerful release of small joints in the cranium.
Throughout your treatment I will try to make you feel at ease and explain the treatment. Please feel free to ask any questions if you have any concerns.
How long does a treatment take?
The initial consultation takes longer than the subsequent treatments, as detailed medical history has to be taken and any medical records reviewed. Normally the initial consultation lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour. Depending on the condition and your response, subsequent treatments last normally 30 to 45 minutes.
Most acute conditions start to see improvement or are successfully treated within 6 weeks. The length of time to treat chronic conditions varies and depends on the severity of the condition and the patient healing response.
Other Treatments
You may need additional investigations such as X rays or MRI to further establish any causes of the condition or pain.